10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

I have been challenged to “show my face today” by Aby over at You Baby Me Mummy (the person who did the blogger summer school I was doing over the, well, summer). It got me thinking that I started so well doing Facebook lives and chatting with you all over the summer with some great posts that everyone interacted with. It’s funny as I assume you all know me since the blog started off with just family and friends reading it, plus there is the About Me page on here. But now there are more of you who have never met me!

So here’s a little blog telling you some more about me:

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

This is me!
This is me!
  1. I don’t like kiwi fruit
  2. I’ve lived in 5 continents
  3. I have worn the same watch since I was 21
  4. I speak fluent Spanish and bad French and Portuguese
  5. I have a mild Diet Coke addiction which is bad considering we can’t get it in Doha since the blockade
  6. I am still in touch with my best friend from when I was 1
  7. I had my appendix out when I was 16 on New Year’s Eve
  8. I hate doing crafts with my kids (mess – ugh)
  9. I was a model for Coca-Cola when I was 21
  10. I hoard recipe books but rarely use them

Now its your turn!

Aby’s reasoning for this challenge was that she is doing a 20 minute video for a client today so if she has time to do that then I should surely have time to take a selfie and write about 10 things you didn’t know about me. So if I have had time to write this post (its taken me around 20 minutes all things considered) then you have time to tell me something!

So here’s the challenge to you guys. What could you tell me about yourselves to let me get to know you better? And what would you like to know about me?


Emma Morrell
Emma Morrell

Find me on: Web

1 Comment

  1. cinnamonsuzie
    24 September 2017 / 13:02

    I love kiwi fruit!! D: They are so good!

    What are the 5 continents you’ve lived on?