Responsible travel – community focused tourism

This is the last of my series on responsible tourism and this is one that I feel particularly passionate about. Travelling responsibly has as much…

Responsible tourism – travel & lodging

The third in my series on responsible tourism, this post is all about travel, transport, accommodation, and lodging. This series has been on my mind…

Responsible tourism – protecting the environment

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that our trip to Koh Phi Phi had a profound impact on us and dramatically changed…

Responsible tourism – protecting animals

This has been a series that I have been thinking about for a long time. If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that…

Volunteer tourism… with Statera Collective

You may remember we had a day in Thailand that had a profound effect on me. After spending a day touring some popular tourist sites…

The 10 people who changed my life – Hillary

When I was 17 I decided, somewhat at the last minute, to take a gap year before heading to university. As part of my extreme gratefulness…