
Every now and again I post something which isn’t really expat life or travel tips or destinations! You can find all those posts here!

Fear of travel…with kids

Lots of people are worried about travelling with their kids. People who freely and happily travelled before are suddenly paralysed by fears of running out…

10 things that make me happy

I’ve been set a challenge by Alana over at Burnished Chaos to write a post about 10 Things That Make Me Happy. Its not my…

10 ways to take amazing holiday photos!

This is a guest post from Rebecca Allen of Becca Allen Photography on taking great holiday photos.  I was so happy when Emma asked me to…

Facebook Worthy Holidays 

A post by another blogger and some comments from friends got me thinking: the blogger asked about the other side of holidays – the bits…

We are not afraid

There have been two news items on my mind in the last few days.


There’s a blog post in my drafts folder which has been there for approximately three weeks. It’s my second installment on Bali and I wrote…


It’s 6am in Dubai which is actually 5am at home. I’m lying in bed in the almost darkness of a hotel room listening to the…